Someone asked me the other day what
purgatory (hell) was for if Christ took up on him our sins. I tried to explain
that unless we accept the gift of Christ atonement it doesn’t help us.
For example, if we bought a big screen TV but were unable to
pay for it and Christ came and said, “Put it on my account and let me pay for
it,” It wouldn’t do us any good unless we accepted the gift.
It is like a coupon you get in the mail with your name on it
that says, come in to Walmart today with this coupon and your bill with us is
paid. If we never go into Walmart with the coupon our bill is never paid. Eventually
the coupon expires, or in other words our time on earth is done and we get to
the pearly gates the gate keeper say, “I can’t let you in.”
“What?” you say, “But I have this coupon from Jesus Christ
that says my account is paid for.”
“Yes, that is true. Our records show that you were sent a
coupon, but you never redeemed it, never acknowledged it. I am so sorry but you must go
to jail (or purgatory) until you have worked off the debt.”
“But what good will that do? Even if I pay the debt myself the
TV is back on earth and I don’t have the power to turn it on anymore. My hand
passes tight through the remote. If someone else turns it on I must watch whatever
they choose.” Or you might say, “But Lord, I took in the sick and wounded. I
turned the other cheek and did much good in the world.” The answer would still
be the same.
“I am so sorry, but I cannot let you in unless the debt is
paid. You chose to ignore the coupon, the gift, you must pay.”
So how do we redeem the coupon?
“Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot
enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5) and how can we be born of the water
(baptism)? “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
(Acts 2:38) And remember, “What shall it profit a man/woman if he/she shall
gain the whole world and lose his/her own soul?”