We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; in deed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul ... if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It is hard to give when you are the one that need help

“Be not weary in well doing.” Paul tells the Galatians and the Thessalonians. It is hard sometimes to keep on smiling and trudging through the temptations. Helping when you need help, giving to your family and those you love when there is little time or resources to give. This is how we feel sometimes. Mothers especially feel this, but fathers must also feel that sometimes his labors to provide for his family are unappreciated.
Forget not that you must be standing on a firm foundation before you can lift another. You cannot give if there is nothing to give. If you are to be not weary in well doing then you must feed and strengthen yourself continually. You know the drill, pray, study the scriptures, repent, and above all have faith.
Sometimes I can sit down at a feast with my scriptures and drink deeply. Other times a call to action requires that I am satisfied with leftovers, a snack, or even that I fast, drawing upon past experiences and knowledge. We are never called upon to deplete ourselves spiritually. We always have prayer and our testimonies. We always have the power to communicate with heaven through prayer when all else is gone. Testimonies also we can take with us even unto death because they are an accumulation of our experiences.
We can lose our testimonies, however through forgetfulness and disregard if we lose faith and stop praying?  It is through well doings, prayer, study, and faith that we keep our testimonies bright and shiny. So it is you see, one continues circle.       

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