We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; in deed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul ... if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Does the Lord hear us?

“And they took away the stones from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes. And said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.”  (John 11:41)
This is the story of when Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave. He spoke these words aloud that the people might believe. What else do we learn here? We learn gratitude for the simple act of hearing. How marvelous it is that the Lord hears and if appropriate answers our silent or spoken prayers. Do we express our gratitude that he hears us even if he doesn’t answer us the way we want?
I can’t help but think of people who have said that the Lord doesn’t hear them. I know that when I feel that he isn’t listening it’s because I am not in the right frame of mind. I need to change in some way.  Maybe I need to humble myself and instead of trying to tell him what he needs to do I need to come to where he is. I know I am such a long way from him being on this mortal plain, but I seek him he will direct me to him.
And there is that scripture in the Old Testament that says (I’m paraphrasing here) if the people do not call upon him but go far from him he will be slow to listen. Yes. We do need to be grateful that the Lord hears us.

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