Paul writes about faith in Romans 3:27 “Where is boasting
then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay But by the law of faith.”
We are told that we receive blessing predicated upon the law
by which they are given. It is such a comfort to know that that God is so organized,
and that His church is also organized. There is nothing haphazard about the
gospel. They say it is so simple that even a child can understand it and yet we
swallow a mountain and cough at an ant. Some say that things just happened
without rhyme or reason, but reason tells us that things came about by laws. I
don’t know all the laws but I keep finding them as I read the scriptures.
So I don’t know exactly how the earth was formed but maybe
it happened like this. Maybe there was an asteroid floating through space and
because it is cold in space the asteroid was covered in ice. Maybe it
accidently got caught in the pull of a sun, or maybe it was moved there by a
being that knew the laws of the universe and knew how to move floating rocks
around – Someone who understood the law of gravity and had the power. When the rock came close to the sun the ice
melted. Well, we can read the book of Genesis to find out what happened. Nature is full of laws. Does water flow uphill? No. the law says water seeks its own level.
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidences of things not seen.” (Hebrews
11:1) But what is the law of faith? How
does it work and what does it do. What good is it? Maybe we will learn as we
study more about this overworked word. James 2: 17 - 18 says “faith , if it
hath not works is dead, being alone… Shew me thy faith without thy works and I
will show thee my faith by my works.” So faith is an action verb and results in some
activity. If you have the faith of a mustard seed the Lord said, you can do miracles.
Perhaps that is the law of faith. If you plant it, and nurture it, it will
grow. And what does it grow into? Knowledge. You start with believing that
Jesus is the Christ and if you nurture that belief and don’t let it die it can
grow in to knowledge that Jesus Is the Christ. I know without a shadow of a
doubt, totally and absolutely that God lives.
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