I can’t remember all the stupid things I have blurted out
that hurt people’s feelings. None of them were done in meanness or with the
intent of hurting people. They were a reflection of my ignorance and
inexperience. I remember once when my three year old son mistook his friend’s mother
as an older child. Unfortunately the words he used were the “big girl” I thought
she would take it as a compliment, but instead she took it to mean that she was
fat. I forgave myself for my blunder and hoped that she did as well. It would
help probably if I carefully thought about things before I said them, but even
then I would not comprehend that big girl translated into fat girl.
The old saying do unto others as you have would have them do
unto you has backfired on me so many times. A neighbor had been in the hospital
with surgery and so I thought if this were me what would I want someone to do
for me. Needless to say what I would want turned out to be the last thing she
wanted. She didn’t leave the church over
it, but used the experience as an example of what not to do in one of her
lessons much to my embarrassment. She didn’t call my name, but she certainly got
even with me. I’m able to laugh about it now.
Sometimes we ask ourselves, what would Christ do? The only way we can know the answer is to
study about him, learn about him, listen to the Holy Spirit, pray, experience,
and give thanks.
“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to
them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute
you. That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he
maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just
and on the unjust, for if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do
not the publicans the same?” (Matthew
This does not mean that we need to cast pearls before swine
or that we should put ourselves or our children in danger. I have made that
mistake before as well, but slowly I have learned that if I stay close to our
Lord he will give promptings through the Spirit what I should do. I am learning
that I know very little, but the Lord knows all things. If I take the time to ask him, it only takes a second when you are
on speaking terms with God to say, should I do this? And he will send a prompt is seconds if he recognizes your voice. In so doing you draw nearer to the Lord
and become more Christ-like.
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