We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; in deed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul ... if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Holy Ghost shall teach us all things

John 14:26 states that the Holy Ghost shall teach us all things. I love the rest of that sentence. "and bring to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you." Jesus is speaking here to the disciples about his time with them, but doesn't that also apply to us in our day? The purpose of the Holy Ghost is to testify of Christ. In other words we cannot learn of Christ except through the Holy Ghost. We can read the scriptures night and day. We can go to Church, or whatever, but unless we have that grain of faith, unless we believe in Christ it is for naught.With that tiny grain of faith the Holy Ghost will bear wittiness to us of Christ. If we expand up on that wittiness and want to learn more of the Christ we can become filled.
It does not matter who you are or what you have done this is always true. Otherwise there could not be repentance nor growth.
Christ said "If ye love me, keep my commandments." He said that if we would do this and be filled with the Spirit He would manifest himself unto us. Do you realize that if a person does not have the Holy Ghost with them this would be extremely frighting to them? In other words the same verse or quote that brings so much peace and love to someone with the Holy Ghost just heaps guilt, and condemnation upon the person with out the Holy Ghost or the Spirit. We need to be sensitive to this fact and not force Jesus on them. Love is the answer. Love them as Jesus does. Pray for them and wait. Don't give up, but be patience and wait and pray that in the end The Spirit will help them remember.     

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