We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; in deed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul ... if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Not my will, but thine be done

In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus pled “Father if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.”  Luke 22:42 Think for a moment of the Son of God who had never sinned, never given into temptations, taking upon him the all the sins of the world. Oh, he was tempted by the devils as we all are. The devil said unto him after he had fasted for forty days, “If thou be the Son of God command these stones be made bread.” Luke 4:3 - 13
I cannot imagine fasting for forty days. When Edward was sick I fasted for many days until it made me sick with a kidney infection and I was forced to get nourishment into me. But the devil was not just asking him to break his fast. He was asking him to use his priesthood power unrighteously – for his own gain, but Christ, understanding who he was refused. And then the devil tempted him with power, which had been Lucifer’s downfall, but Christ being humble, knowing that he was only sent to do the will of the Father. Had he given in to that temptation he would have been no better than the devil that tempted him. The third temptation was to test his power that should he cast himself down the angels would save him. Again using his priesthood unrighteously
Interesting question here, did the devil have power to give to Christ? Yes. It is not as great as the power that Christ already had, but yes, priest craft or witchcraft is real. It works. We likewise have great power given to us as inhabitants of the world which we are free to use. See then that you use it wisely less you be cut off from the higher power. I don’t think most of us realize ( I know I didn’t)  that when we are angry with someone and we think bad thoughts about them it is the same as if we cast a curse or spell on them. “Whosoever shall say, thou fool shall be in danger of hell fire.” Matthew 5:22 – 26. In essence we are drawing upon the power of the devil when we allow ourselves to think these thoughts. Anger was given to us to help us discern between good and evil, but we need to be careful and not allow it to consume us.  

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