We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; in deed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul ... if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Jesus bestowes the Priesthood on his disciples

This post will be best understood by Latter Day Saints though anyone is welcome to read it.
Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. He bestowed upon them the priesthood which gives them power and authority to act in the name of God – to exercise by faith power over all devils and to cure diseases. “All devils” suggest to me that there are different degrees or levels of evil or of devils, just as there are different offices of the priesthood. So here he made them High Priest so that they had power over all devils and the ability to cure diseases according to the will of the Father and according to the faith of the recipient.  
He told them to take nothing for their journey neither staves, nor script, neither food, nor more than one coat.( Luke 9:1 – 6) They were to go in faith that they would be cared for. Sometimes that did mean that they stumbled upon what they needed at the moment they needed it, but it also meant that they were willing to lift a bale or tote a bucket to help someone else as well as themselves. They were willing to work for their supper.  It happens in my life and I see it happening in the lives of others as long as we are willing to do what we can, we will be provided for.
There is a story told about a man clinging to his roof during a flood. A helicopter came by and lowered a rope for him. He waved them on saying the Lord would deliver him. A little later a boat came by willing to take him to shore. He again waved them on saying the Lord would deliver him. The water got higher and higher until the man drowned. He got to Heaven and he said Lord why did you not rescue me? The Lord said, I sent a helicopter and I sent a boat. You refused both.
The Lord is not a showman. There is a purpose in everything he does. It is for our learning and growth, or it strengths us so that we also can call down the power of Heaven. Yes, even if you are a woman. This thing about women receiving the priesthood is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. The priesthood is for the administration of offices and that is fine for the men, but I know for a fact that a worthy woman of faith will never be denied a blessing because of her gender. In the first place there are ministering angels at our side every step of the way. I dare say my deceased husband has given me as many blessing from beyond the veil as he did when he was alive. Besides that the priesthood operates on faith and prayer. A child can do that and so can a woman or even a non - Mormon.  

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